Special Education
Action Committee (SEAC)

Please join us for the next SEAC meeting of the 2024-2025 school year:
Monday, December 2 at 7 pm
MS/HS Community Room
Topic: Understanding and Implementing Positive Social Skills presented by Build4Life.
What is SEAC?
The Special Education Action Committee (SEAC) is a group of parents and
teachers whose mission is to represent the concerns of students with
special needs in the Rye Neck School District. These students receive school-
related services which include Resource Room, Special Classes, Speech and
Language Therapy, Counseling and placement in appropriate programs
within and outside of our school district.
Please send an email to vpseac@ryeneckptsa.org to join the SEAC email
distribution list.
Save the Dates:
Our 2024-2025 SEAC meetings are currently scheduled for the below dates:
December 2
February 3
April 28
Please note, all are welcome at SEAC meetings, even if your child does not receive services.
More information:
As a division of the PTSA, SEAC is represented on the Executive Committee and maintains a committee. For general questions or for more information please contact the PTSA VP of SEAC, Jennifer Karlan: vpseac@ryneckptsa.org or your SEAC PTSA building representatives / Rye Neck Special Services team.

2024-2025 SEAC
Contact Information
Jennifer Karlan, vpseac@ryeneckptsa.org
Rye Neck UFSD Director of Pupil Personnel:
Wil Siegel
(914) 777-4864
PTSA SEAC Building Representatives:
Daniel Warren: Erin Chu, erinlchu@gmail.com
F.E. Bellows: Jackie Caldwell, jmcaldwell2013@gmail.com
Rye Neck Middle School: Nicole Alvarez, ncbroch@gmail.com
Rye Neck High School: Leah Siegel, leahsiegel8@gmail.com
Rye Neck UFSD Special Services Contacts:
Michelle Bowman, School Psychologist (K-1)
(914) 777-4602
Daniel Warren:
Michelle Bowman, School Pyschologist (K-1st)
(914) 777-4602
Laura Finkelson, School Psychologist (2nd)
(914) 777-4602
F.E. Bellows:
Vanessa Dioguardi, School Psychologist
(914) 777-4639
Rye Neck Middle School:
Elisa Barilli, School Psychologist
(914) 777-4867
Rye Neck High School:
Nicole Crispinelli, School Psychologist
(914) 777-4876